Jan 5·edited Jan 5

Enjoyed the post. A few observations based on my work experience with local Frederick County MD Public Library (FCPL)

Carl Connect Discovery (Discovery) has an online Help system for search and other features. See the link below.


With Discovery, the search term "tag:Native American" finds tags left by other library Patrons.

Discovery allows patrons to save a search, and in an obscure part of the web page an RSS feed URL link can be shared.

FCPL could probably increase usage of QR codes on online event web pages, most every printed flier or poster includes a QR code, however, and FCPL Staff maintain a visible presence at events in order to answer questions, distribute printed information (with QR codes), and register new patrons for library cards on the spot.

Academic libraries frequently offer introductory tours each semester that include a login session at a public Catalog workstation. It's a good idea for public libraries to regularly schedule similar tours.

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Two comments on the online documentation. First, I don't think it's linked from anywhere on the library website, at least nowhere that I could find, so patrons are never going to find it. Second, it's not very patron-friendly. For example, this:

"For example, an author search 'begins with' King, but 'does not contain' Stephen, will return all variations of authors beginning with 'King' but not displaying 'Stephen King' in the results."

is wildly misleading. "Does not contain 'Stephen'" will exclude any item with *any* contributor whose name is 'Stephen', not just contributors whose names start with 'King'.

Good documentation is hard!

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